Sun Valley Jose Mier has listed the cities that make up the north Valley before and though each one has a certain vibe to it, we think Sun Valley beats them all. The cities in question consist of: Chatsworth, Granada Hills, Arleta, Lake View Terrace, North Hills, Northridge, Pacoima, Mission Hills, Panorama City, Sun Valley, Porter Ranch, San Fernando, Shadow Hills, Sylmar, Van Nuys and last but not least
Sunland and its sister Tujunga.

As we stated we believe that each one of these cities, though really a component of the city of Los Angeles, has its very own one-of-a-kind feeling, ambiance or taste including our very own modest territory of Sun Valley. But none of those other cities has what we have in Sun Valley. True, some may have easy access to freeways, but do they have the foothills? Some cities like Sunland or Tujunga do indeed have foothill access and horse properties like we do our Stonehurst neighborhood but are they close to the Burbank airport? No. We beat them hands-down on that one. In fact access to air travel from Sun Valley couldn’t get it much easier. The Burbank airport literally borders on our community. It is literally a single step from Sun Valley to Burbank airport property.
Of course that’s not the only selling point making Sun Valley more attractive than our other north Valley neighbors. The high percentage of Hispanic residents means the variety and quality of Mexican food within our borders rivals any city in Greater Los Angeles. One could go so far as say the cuisine in Sun Valley is on a par with any city in Mexico itself.
When making a list of Valley cities as we have, we think the results are clear and for any number of reasons Sun Valley stands out among its neighbors. We can easy transportation, great food and lower than average housing costs. That’s a combination that’s hard to beat.