
Assisted Living In Sun Valley CA

Sun Valley Jose Mier Report on Closest Facilities is a website that lists assisted living facilities in local areas. We in Sun Valley are fortunate to have not one, but three such facilities within our borders and there are others that are only a short distance away as well.

As you know from other articles on Sun Valley Jose Mier the median age in Sun Valley is relatively low. We have a rather youthful population here but that doesn’t mean we don’t have our share of senior citizens, some of whom may require assisted living.

One of the other good aspects about life in Sun Valley California is that the cost of assisted living in our area, much like the median housing prices, is lower then surrounding areas and the national average as well.

According to the median assisted-living cost per month is $2,800 which is below the national median of $3,460. Just like buying a home in Sun Valley, finding affordable assisted living facilities is easier in our community then elsewhere.

Below is a list of the three assistant living facilities within our borders:

Serene Life Senior Care
Provides: Assisted Living
11221 Lull Street, Sun Valley, CA 91352

Serene Nature Assisted Living
Provides: Assisted Living
10987 Luddington Street, Sun Valley, CA 91352

Villa Scalabrini
Provides: Assisted Living
10631 Vinedale Street, Sun Valley, CA 91352

If you or your loved one requires such facilities and are looking for affordable options we at Sun Valley Jose Mier recommend you check out the above list, visit each location and determine if it meets your needs. We are always proud that Sun Valley has the things our residents need and senior care facilities are just one more option.