Sun Valley Jose Mier Recommendations
Sun Valley Jose Mier has discussed the topic of education and our community in previous blog posts. Our little city —a hidden gym within the boundaries of greater Los Angeles –boasts 18 Schools. Of those, several are above the average in the state of California in both test scores in student progress. We previously discussed the Stonehurst elementary school but it has a rival in the Fenton stem Academy.

For those of you don’t know Fenton stem Academy Is an elementary school in the full name is sentences of Academy elementary Center for science technology engineering and mathematics. It’s located at 8926 Sunland Blvd., Sun Valley, CA 91352. In our search for Sun Valley schools and information we main use of the great schools.org website which find handy reference for all the schools in specific area. Are services research for Sun Valley schools. This website initially lists the top five schools in the area in The Fenton stem Academy comes in at number two, just behind Stonehurst elementary. Digging deeper, we can see that the school receives a seven out of 10 rating on great schools.org but the individual reviews left about this school are Five star reviews.
Sun Valley is home to the large Latino population so it’s not surprising that the Majority of students in the Phantom stem Academy are Hispanic or Latino. Regardless, student body on the whole performs at an above average level and the difference is between Hispanic and not Hispanic student scores it Is almost nonexistent. This means that we have one of the top schools in the state California right within our midst. Couples or families with children who are contemplating moving to the sun valley Area of Los Angeles maybe surprised to learn that even our little chunk of Southern California has some of the top schools in the state. As proponents of Sun Valley California, we here at Sun Valley Jose Mier like to point out all the benefits of living in this community and having a number of top schools is high on our list.
Central Location in Sun Valley
Another selling point for the sentence stem academy is its central location in the city. Because Sunland Boulevard literally bisects our community it means that anyone who’s located within our borders can you easily access to school. Other communities they’re located nearby such as North Hollywood or Pacoima might want to take advantage of our Sun Valley school system light of the fact we have some of the top-performing educational facilities in California.
Outstanding educational resources, the Great climate, easy access to transportation in proximity to downtown Los Angeles as well as the rest of the San Fernando Valley all add up to make Sun Valley well worth considering as a location to live work and play.