
Patterns And Declarations To “Di”

Sun Valley home interior Jose Mier

Making Your Sun Valley Home a Glam Temple

As a way of life columnist, I’m always looking for tips on living the chic lifestyle and fashion declarations especially on how we at Sun Valley Jose Mier can adopt some trends for our own homes.

Sun Valley home interior Jose Mier
Glam home interior Sun Valley Jose Mier

Nothing makes more of a declaration than having an advanced “concept resource” at my fingertips for days at the beach, nights on the town and supper parties at home.

Among my favorites is the Spiegel catalog, which provides motivation on amusing, embellishing and even a fantastic mixed drink dress.

At your next party, release your inner fashionista. When the celebration heats up, bear your shoulders with a silk halter dress in vibrant green. And bejewel yourself with a gold and green jeweled brocade bag that won’t set your budget back, however will spring your inner princess forward.

Accessories are the DNA of enduring glamour, so who wishes to be seen in something a million other females already own? Opt perhaps instead for a cameo bracelet in brass by Michael Negrin, who creates vintage-inspired jewels made to assist you feel like a Victorian queen. Or include an amazing yet fragile multistrand pearl pendant to your gem collection. Use it the way I do-with a mixed drink dress-and you’ll be the envy of all the “gem setters” at the party.

I’m forever gathering shoes. Shoes for meetings, shoes for the beach and shoes for celebrations. That’s why I’m fired up about the metallic snake-embossed sandal-a chain of jewels includes a touch of elegance, taking me perfectly from day into night.

Glamour does not begin and end with style. It extends to every aspect of life (it does for me, at least). A celebration is the best excuse to decorate, remodel or just add a few well chosen glamorous accents to your divine temple.

By using The Spiegel Signature Home Collection, you can delve into just about anything from Eastern-inspired embroidered decorative shams to a crystal chandelier with turn of the century flair.

Entertaining one’s domicile is an exceptional craft and I’ve found a new cooking guru-Donatella Arpaia, she of the well-known and often copied Bellini, David Burke & Donatella, as well as Ama restaurants in New York City. She’s my preferred authority on entertaining.

Aspects of Ama’s celebrated Italian-style amusing, such as the Essential Sauce made with pure tomatoes and extra virgin Fruttato Olive Oil, are now offered, so you can supply gourmet dining for your visitors without the first-class cost.

When the party heats up, bear your shoulders with a silk halter gown in vivid green. Use it the way I do-with a cocktail dress-and you’ll be the envy of all the “gem setters” at the party.

Shoes for conferences, shoes for the beach and shoes for parties. A party is the perfect excuse to decorate, remodel or merely add a few glam accents to your magnificent temple.

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