
Epitome of Sun Valley Stonehurst Living

Allegheny St. Home in Sun Valley, CA

Sun Valley Jose Mier Profiles Allegheny Street Home

As readers of Sun Valley Jose Mier know we are proud of our neighborhoods. Especially unique ones like the Stonehurst area on our northern tip. We’ve written about how our singular suburb contains a surprising amount of horse properties and the home we are showing on this page is a prime example of the identity of Stonehurst.

Allegheny St. Home in Sun Valley, CA
Sun Valley Jose Mier profiles a unique Stonehurst home

As we said previously, Stonehurst includes homes that have existed in the area for close to 100 years. These stone homes, built with rock from the area define the character of Stonehurst and may have even led to the naming of this neighborhood.

For those who don’t know (and you can count us as part of that number) a “hurst” is another (obscure) terms for a hillock, a wooded rise or a sand back in the sea or in a river. Well our Stonehurst is certainly on a wooded rise and the nearby trails are favored by the horse owners in the area.

The home for sale on Allegheny St (just a “stone’s throw” from the Stonehurst Recreation Center) imitates the look of its century-old ancestors utilizing the same stonework. The interiors and amenities, however, are much more modern and the home is priced at $575,000. That’s a bit pricey for only 734 square feet but it does make up for the small area with loads of charm. For those who want (or need) horse property, though, along with a remendous amount of character, this home is what Stonehurst is all about.

As we’ve said before, we’re not in the real estate business but merely want to show what Sun Valley, CA has to offer and we think this unique home makes our city all the more special. We think you’ll agree.