Youth Sports Important to Sun Valley Jose Mier
We at Sun Valley José Mier want to get the word out that Sun Valley is an attractive place to live and work. 99% of the time our are geared to the adult community and business people. But we can’t forget the part of our son Valley community, in fact the most important part, for the families that live here. And having family means children.

It’s important for a number of reasons children have an opportunity to participate in sports. They can gain important skills, social, athletic and otherwise. And basically they can just have fun. One of the sporting opportunities near Sun Valley is the East Valley Baseball League. There are seven different divisions in the league, each one geared to a specific age group. The earliest age allowed is three and four years old, but divisions go up to 16 years old just before student would enter high school. Each division has different rules specific to that age group. You can see the different divisions listed below:
The divisions are:
Spirit – ages 3 & 4. Straight T-Ball. One base at a time. Learning the basics.
Shetland – ages 5 & 6. Manuel Machine Pitch w/ Tee, if needed. 50′ bases;
Pinto – ages 7 & 8. Introduction to kid pitch (with limitations). 40′ mound and 60′ bases;
Mustang – ages 9 & 10. Metal cleats; Major league baseball rules (for kids, of course). Lead offs, dropped thrid strikes, infield fly rule. 46′ mound and 60′ bases.
Bronco – ages 11 & 12. Major league rules; 50′ mound and 70′ bases.
Pony – ages 13 & 14. 54′ mound and 80′ bases.
Colt/Palomino – ages 15 & 18. 60′ 6″ mound and 90′ bases. Get ready for High School.
Youth baseball is a great opportunity for kids to Learned something new, to show what they’re made of, and as we said to just have fun. The East Valley baseball league meet sit Strathern Park North in North Hollywood. You can get more details on their website. So to all the kids in Sun Valley, Sun Valley José Mier says, “Play ball!”