
Sun Valley Neighborhood Council

LA City Hall - Seat of City Council

Power to L.A.’s Districts

Readers of sun Valley Jose Mier’s blog know that we are dedicated to promoting this unique area within the city of Los Angeles. Even though we feel that we stand out among our San Fernando Valley neighbors, even some in this part of greater Los Angeles don’t know that we exist. That’s not the case with Los Angeles City government. Of course they know about us since they are in the business of governing sun Valley along with the rest of Los Angeles California.

LA City Hall - Seat of City Council
LA City Hall – Where Sun Valley is Represented via Neighborhood Council

The city of Los Angeles is broken up into several districts in each of these falls under the oversight one Of the city council members. However for an even more granular look at local government there are several neighborhood councils set up throughout the San Fernando Valley. The Sun Valley neighborhood Council is one of these.

Neighborhood Council such as ours meet on a monthly basis and discuss things of interest an important issues affecting our specific region. Results of these deliberations are then taken to the City Council itself and used in addressing problem specific to one geographic area or another. One case in point would how badly Sun Valley was affected by floodwaters in years past. Due to input from the neighborhood Council as well as citizens of Sun Valley this problem which affected neighborhoods within Sun Valley as well as five freeway was addressed and pretty much eradicated with the construction of underground flood water storage tanks and better drainage within Sun Valley. As an aside the excess water that we collect during the rainy season and which is now stored under some of our sun valley playgrounds and parks can be used for irrigation. This is a welcome change especially during our current drought crisis.

That is but one example of citizens and in government working in tandem to better the lives of residents of our community. Part of the success is due to neighborhood councils such as the Sun Valley neighborhood Council. For more details on this and other neighborhood councils visit

This council meets every second Tuesday at the Villa Scalabrini retirement Center on Vinedale Street here in Sun Valley. Those wishing to provide input to the council can do so in person or by correspondence. The members of the council and their email addresses are listed on the website as well as the physical mailing addresses. Even though we are technically a part of the city of Los Angeles, having our own area neighborhood Council means that we have a certain degree of autonomy and say so on things that concern our specific area. We at Sun Valley Jose Mier encourage all residents of Sun Valley to Take an active part in the government of our community the Check out the Sun Valley area neighborhood council website.