Stonehust is Horse Country
So maybe you want to relive the days of the old West and saddle up each evening to ride into the sunset. Well, you can in Sun Valley’s Stonehurst neighborhood. With hills and trails only yards away from your home this hidden enclave is perfect for those wishing to keep horses on their property or (if you’re a new home buyer) purchase a horse after moving in.

Only a few minutes from the 5 freeway and all the urban living that life in greater Los Angeles affords, this area seems like an old rancho. And it really is. There are actual ranches here as well as feed and tack stores to supply your equine needs. If you’re new to owning a horse there are a few things to consider.
First is the cost of the horse itself. You’ll need to do your research to find a horse that suits your needs, is healthy and well-tempered, but after that, then what? You’ll need to budget for horse ownership. On average you’ll be looking at around $2,000 to $4,000 per year in feed. Other costs will include veterinary treatments and those of a farrier. Farriers are a necessity to prevent hoof problems. Look at spending around $350 per year on this. If your horse gets sick, veterinary care may run you thousands of dollars.
Add onto this general upkeep costs and supplies like saddle(s), blankets, grooming supplies—and don’t forget transportation. Do your research and make sure you’re prepared for horse ownership.
All that said Sun Valley Jose Mier thinks our Stonehurst neighborhood is a spectacular option. The area is quiet and infrequently traveled, making it the perfect area to take your horse out for a ride. With most of Stonehurst made up of flat open spaces you can leisurely walk your horse around the streets with little worry. And you can saunter up the Verdugo foothill trails to take in the breathtaking views of the San Fernando Valley any time you want.
We recommend you investigate Stonehurst for all it has to offer the horse owner or buyer.