SoCal Heatwave is History
Sun Valley Jose Mier has its finger onf the pulse of our community and we’ve been hoping for some time for a break form the heat that’s been plaguing us. For the last two weeks at least Sun Valley and the rest of Los Angeles has had to endure triple digit temps. It’s been extremely bad given that Califorinia has been in the midst of a drought. On top of that, our stat’s electrical grid is on shaky ground and we were facing blackouts during the high temperatures. Luckily a bout of rain last week has ushered in cooler temps and it looks like the excessive heat has dissipated.
We encourage SUn Valley residents to contact their state representatives to urge them to keep existing power stations and add more, including hydroelectric power. Sun Valley is not a bastion of ultra-rich; we’re working people who can ill afford high electrical costs or the absence of power should the grid go down during another hot spell.