Sun Valley Jose Mier Library Update
Well, it’s been several months since the coronavirus hit California and our local libraries have been closed for some time. Sun Valley Jose Mier is a big proponent of education in our community libraries playing important role. We’re in the midst of summer which is traditionally a time when many children join book reading clubs and check out books from their local libraries. Libraries are also a place where kids can go to have stories read to them. All of these types of activities have been curtailed because of the current pandemic.

But just like other businesses in Sun Valley, libraries have also gotten very creative. Some offer online storytime which will help keep kids occupied and their parents a little saner for a while at least. Another thing that libraries have that is not new but is especially welcome at this time is the ability to check out books virtually. Using your library card you can log into a library’s website, View their e-book lists, and check out of book. The process is very simple. In our case we enter our library card number, select our book, and check it out. The book is delivered through Amazon.com and ends up in our Kindle reader on our iPad. If you have another device like the kindle fire, the book will show up there as well.
With many Sun Valley residents Phil sheltering in place, working from home, or just with the extra time on their hands due to the coronavirus, making use of our local libraries is a great way to take up time as well as educate, inform or just amuse yourself. Reading books keeps the brain stimulated, in the mind occupied. Both of these things are specially needed in the midst of our statewide shutdown.
Sun Valley Jose Mier is looking forward to the day when libraries reopen, we hope it’s soon. When they do you can make use of the Sun Valley Branch Library, which is located at 7935 Vineland Ave., Sun Valley California 91352.