
Recent Industrial Fire in Sun Valley

Randall Street in Sun Valley Jose Mier

Sun Valley Jose Mier Reports

Sun Valley Jose Mier is dedicated to promoting our community and most the time that it involves listing places of interest some Interesting restaurants and things to do for visitors to Southern California. However, recently– November 30 to be exact—one of industrial sections of Sun Valley was the site of the major fire. The Fire occurred around 4 AM and was located at 10900 block of Randall street. Firefighters were involved in putting out glaze but not until after the entire roof of the building located their collapsed.

Randall Street in Sun Valley Jose Mier
Randall Street in Sun Valley Jose Mier

This area of Randall Street is it cul-de-sac which abuts Sunland Boulevard where it crosses Sunland Park Drive. This particular intersection forms a border between a residential area in the industrial area fire was located. Some of the businesses located in that area to include Comp Tech Auto Repair, precision trailer hitches and welding, Best jumpers party store and CMC party rentals. Luckily the fire did not spread too the Adjacent buildings order to the residential neighborhood across the street.

This does bring up the subject fire safety preparedness in Sun Valley’s industrial sectors. Because of business like precision trailer hitches and welding is by definition going to House many combustible substances, it’s incumbent on all the Businesses in this area to make sure they take extra steps to keep their business as well as those surrounding them safe from fire explosion. In this case damages contained to single building but fighting the fire is made more difficult because of all the trailers and trucks parked in the lot next to the building. These prevented firefighters from more efficiently knocking down the blaze.

Extra care always has to be taken especially in those industrial areas that are close to residential neighborhoods. In this case Randall Street is three close to the historic Stonehurst neighborhood which contains several Century old houses, some of which are on the National register of historic places.

Fortunately Sun Valley José Meyer can report that there were no injuries during this fire nor were any other structures destroyed which is a relief for all involved. Also, the fact that fire happened so early in the morning instead he we’re not at work time which may have also contributed to the absence of any injuries or deaths. You can view a news report by Fox LA on this page.

Recent Industrial Fire in Sun Valley
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Recent Industrial Fire in Sun Valley
A recent industrial fire occurred in Sun Valley, prompting Sun Valley Jose Mier to urge local businesses to be fire safe, especially in our industrial areas.
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